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if (t.indexOf(':') != -1) { t = t.replace(/-/g, ",").replace(/\ /g, ",").replace(/:/g, ","); d = 1; } var t = t.split(","); t[1] = eval(t[1]) - d; var t2 = new Date(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]); return t2; } //针对yyyyMMdd这种格式字符窜转为日期 function ParseTime(t, isUtc) { var strTime = ""; var t1 = new Date(t.substr(0, 4), parseInt(t.substr(4, 2).replace(/0(\d)/, "$1")) - 1, t.substr(6, 2), t.substr(8, 2), t.substr(10, 2)); var localT = new Date(t1.getTime() + (_timeZone * 60 * 60000) - (8 * 3600000)); if (isUtc) { localT = new Date(t1.getTime() + (_timeZone * 60 * 60000)); } strTime = localT; if (strTime) { return strTime; } return t; } function dateToTime(time) { var tReg = /(\d{2})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})([\s\d\:]*)/; if (tReg.test(time)) { time = ("20" + time).replaceAll("-", "/"); return timeToText(new Date(time), 2); } return time; } function timeToText(t2, type) { type = type || 0; var fmts = [ "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss",/*0*/ "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss",/*1*/ "dd-MM-yyyy",/*2*/ "dd-MM",/*3*/ "hh:mm",/*4*/ "t2 dd",/*5*/ "dd-MM hh:mm",/*6*/ "dd-MM-yy",/*7*/ "yyyy",/*8*/ "dd.MM.yyyy",/*9*/ "t2 dd hh:mm",/*10*/ "hh:mm,ww,dd-MM-yyyy",/*11*/ "dd-MM-yyyy(w)",/*12*/ "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm w",/*13*/ "dd-MM hh:mm",/*14*/ "dd-MM hh:mm",/*15*/ "dd-MM-yy",/*16*/ "dd-MM-yyyy",/*17*/ "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm",/*18*/ "d-M-yyyy hh:mm",/*19*/ "yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm",/*20*/ "M-d hh:mm", /*21*/ "dd t2 yyyy,hh:mm", /*22*/ "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm" /*23*/ ]; return dateFtt(fmts[type] || fmts[0], t2); } function setTimeByFormat() { var elems = document.querySelectorAll("[data-time]"); for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { var elem = elems[i], t2; t2 = getTimeByUtcStr(elem.getAttribute("data-time")); elem.innerHTML = timeToText(t2, elem.getAttribute("data-fmt")); } } function setPublishTime() { $("[data-pubtime]").each(function () { var pubTime = this.getAttribute("data-pubtime"); this.innerHTML = publishTimeDesc(pubTime, this.getAttribute("data-fmt")); }); } function publishTimeDesc(dtSplit, format) { var time = null; if (dtSplit instanceof Date) { time = dtSplit; } else { time = getTimeByUtcStr(dtSplit); } var timeZoneHour = -((new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() / 60); var customTimeZone = getCookie("Time_Zone"); if (customTimeZone != undefined && customTimeZone != "") { timeZoneHour = customTimeZone; } //time和now均为utc+所选时区的时间,直接求差即可 var d1 = new Date(); var d2 = new Date(d1.getUTCFullYear(), d1.getUTCMonth(), d1.getUTCDate(), d1.getUTCHours(), d1.getUTCMinutes(), d1.getUTCSeconds()); var now = new Date(d2.getTime() + (timeZoneHour * 60 * 60000)); var t_jb = _locModel.T.T_JustBefore || "Just now"; var t_hb = _locModel.T.T_FM_HoursBefore || "{0} Hours Ago"; var t_mb = _locModel.T.T_FM_MinutesBefore || "{0} Minutes Ago"; var timespan = (now - time) / (3600 * 1000); if (timespan < 0.1) { return t_jb; } else if (timespan < 1) { return t_mb.replace("{0}", (parseFloat(timespan).toFixed(2) * 60).toFixed(0)); } else if (timespan < 24) { return t_hb.replace("{0}", parseInt(timespan)); } return timeToText(time, format); } //2015,01,01,12,30,00 function getTimeByUtcStr(val) { var t = splitTime(val); var timeZoneHour = -((new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() / 60); var customTimeZone = getCookie("Time_Zone"); if (customTimeZone != undefined && customTimeZone != "") { timeZoneHour = customTimeZone; } var t2 = new Date(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5]); t2 = new Date(t2.getFullYear(), t2.getMonth(), t2.getDate(), t2.getHours(), t2.getMinutes(), t2.getSeconds()); t2 = new Date(t2.getTime() + (timeZoneHour * 60 * 60000)); return t2; } //兼容三种日期格式[2019,4,30,07,00,00],[2019,5-1,30,07,00,00],[2019-4-30 07:00:00] function splitTime(t) { var d = 0; if (t.indexOf(':') != -1) { t = t.replace(/(-|\s|:)/g, ","); d = 1; } var t = t.split(","); t[1] = eval(t[1]) - d; return t; } var _months2 = (typeof (_locModel) != "undefined" && typeof (_locModel.T.T_S_Jan) != "undefined") ? [_locModel.T.T_S_Jan, _locModel.T.T_S_Feb, _locModel.T.T_S_Mar, _locModel.T.T_S_Apr, _locModel.T.T_S_May, _locModel.T.T_S_Jun, _locModel.T.T_S_Jul, _locModel.T.T_S_Aug, _locModel.T.T_S_Sep, _locModel.T.T_S_Oct, _locModel.T.T_S_Nov, _locModel.T.T_S_Dec] : ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; var _months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; var _weeks = (typeof (_locModel) != "undefined" && typeof (_locModel.T.T_Sunday) != "undefined") ? [_locModel.T.T_Sunday, _locModel.T.T_Monday, _locModel.T.T_Tuesday, _locModel.T.T_Wednesday, _locModel.T.T_Thursday, _locModel.T.T_Friday, _locModel.T.T_Saturday] : ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; var _weeks2 = (typeof (_locModel) != "undefined" && typeof (_locModel.T.T_S_Sunday) != "undefined") ? [_locModel.T.T_S_Sunday, _locModel.T.T_S_Monday, _locModel.T.T_S_Tuesday, _locModel.T.T_S_Wednesday, _locModel.T.T_S_Thursday, _locModel.T.T_S_Friday, _locModel.T.T_S_Saturday] : ["Sun.", "Mon.", "Tue.", "Wed.", "Thu.", "Fri.", "Sat."]; var _hasInitDateFormat = 0; function dateFtt(fmt, t) { if (_hasInitDateFormat == 0) { _months2 = (typeof (_locModel) != "undefined" && typeof (_locModel.T.T_S_Jan) != "undefined") ? [_locModel.T.T_S_Jan, _locModel.T.T_S_Feb, _locModel.T.T_S_Mar, _locModel.T.T_S_Apr, _locModel.T.T_S_May, _locModel.T.T_S_Jun, _locModel.T.T_S_Jul, _locModel.T.T_S_Aug, _locModel.T.T_S_Sep, _locModel.T.T_S_Oct, _locModel.T.T_S_Nov, _locModel.T.T_S_Dec] : ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; _weeks = (typeof (_locModel) != "undefined" && typeof (_locModel.T.T_Sunday) != "undefined") ? [_locModel.T.T_Sunday, _locModel.T.T_Monday, _locModel.T.T_Tuesday, _locModel.T.T_Wednesday, _locModel.T.T_Thursday, _locModel.T.T_Friday, _locModel.T.T_Saturday] : ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; _weeks2 = (typeof (_locModel) != "undefined" && typeof (_locModel.T.T_S_Sunday) != "undefined") ? [_locModel.T.T_S_Sunday, _locModel.T.T_S_Monday, _locModel.T.T_S_Tuesday, _locModel.T.T_S_Wednesday, _locModel.T.T_S_Thursday, _locModel.T.T_S_Friday, _locModel.T.T_S_Saturday] : ["Sun.", "Mon.", "Tue.", "Wed.", "Thu.", "Fri.", "Sat."]; _hasInitDateFormat = 1; } var o = { "M+": t.getMonth() + 1,//month "d+": t.getDate(),//day "h+": t.getHours(),//hours "m+": t.getMinutes(),//minutes "s+": t.getSeconds(),//second "t1": _months[t.getMonth()],//month name "t2": _months2[t.getMonth()],//simp month "w+": _weeks[t.getDay()]//week }; if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (t.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)); for (var k in o) if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1 || /[tw]/.test(k)) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length))); return fmt; } function ToLocalTime(t) { t = typeof (t) != 'string' ? new Date(t) : new Date(t.replace(/-/g, '/')); //兼容旧苹果横杠日期格式报错问题 var localT = new Date(t.getTime() + (_timeZone * 60 * 60000)); return localT; } function ServiceTimeToLocal(t) { localT = new Date(t * 1000 - (8 * 60 * 60000) + (_timeZone * 60 * 60000)); return localT; } Array.prototype.contains = function (obj) { var i = this.length; while (i--) { if (this[i] == obj) { return true; } } return false; } if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function (elt /*, from*/) { var len = this.length >>> 0; var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0; from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) from += len; for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in this && this[from] === elt) return from; } return -1; }; } function checkExlink(a22) { var spSymbel = "$"; if (a22.indexOf(spSymbel) != -1) { var retArr = a22.split(spSymbel); if (retArr.length == 3) return retArr[0] + retArr[2]; else return retArr[0]; } return a22; } function showExplain(exlist, hometeam, guestteam) { // 广东体育; 1 | 1; 2 | 5; 12 | 90, 1 - 1; 2 - 2; 1, 2 - 2; 5 - 4; 1 //;|1;2|;|90,3-3;2-5;2,2-2;; hometeam = hometeam.replace(/<[^>].*?>/g, ""); guestteam = guestteam.replace(/<[^>].*?>/g, ""); hometeam = hometeam.replace("(N)", ""); guestteam = guestteam.replace("(N)", ""); var explainList = ""; if (exlist != "") { if (exlist.indexOf('|') > -1) { var arrExplain = exlist.split('|'); if (arrExplain[1].split(';')[0] != "") { explainList += _locModel.T.T_KickOff + "("; if (arrExplain[1].split(';')[0] == "1") explainList += hometeam + ")"; else if (arrExplain[1].split(';')[0] == "2") explainList += guestteam + ")"; } if (arrExplain[1].split(';')[1] != "" && window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("asianbookie") == -1 && window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("free") == -1) { if (arrExplain[1].split(';')[1] == "3" || arrExplain[1].split(';')[1] == "4" || arrExplain[1].split(';')[1] == "5") { if (explainList != "") explainList += "
"; explainList += "[Live TV]"; } } if (arrExplain[2].split(';')[0] != "") { if (explainList != "") explainList += "
"; explainList += _locModel.T.T_Corner + "(" + arrExplain[2].split(';')[0] + ") | "; explainList += _locModel.T.T_Corner + "(" + arrExplain[2].split(';')[1] + ")"; } var scoresList = arrExplain[3].split(';'); if (scoresList[0] != "") { if (explainList != "") explainList += "
"; explainList += scoresList[0].split(',')[0] + _locModel.T.T_S_Minutes + "[" + scoresList[0].split(',')[1] + "], "; if (scoresList[1] != "") explainList += _locModel.T.T_TwoRounds + "[" + scoresList[1] + "], "; if (scoresList[2] != "") { if (scoresList[2].split(',')[0] == "1") explainList += "120" + _locModel.T.T_S_Minutes + "[" + scoresList[2].split(',')[1] + "], "; else explainList += _locModel.T.T_ST_Ot + "[" + scoresList[2].split(',')[1] + "], "; } if (scoresList[3] != "") explainList += _locModel.T.T_Explain_Pen + "[" + scoresList[3] + "], "; if (scoresList[4] != "") { if (scoresList[4] == "1") explainList += hometeam + " " + _locModel.T.T_Win; else if (scoresList[4] == "2") explainList += guestteam + " " + _locModel.T.T_Win; } } } } return explainList; } if (!window.ActiveXObject) { HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentElement = function (where, parsedNode) { if (parsedNode) { switch (where) { case "beforeBegin": this.parentNode.insertBefore(parsedNode, this); break; case "afterBegin": this.insertBefore(parsedNode, this.firstChild); break; case "beforeEnd": this.appendChild(parsedNode); break; case "afterEnd": if (this.nextSibling) this.parentNode.insertBefore(parsedNode, this.nextSibling); else this.parentNode.appendChild(parsedNode); break; } } } } function getTopHeight() { var adTop = 0; if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) adTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop; else if (document.body) adTop = document.body.scrollTop else adTop = window.pageYOffset; return adTop; } function getPageHeight() { var pageHeight = window.innerHeight; if (typeof pageWindth != "number") { if (document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat") { pageHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { pageHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } } return pageHeight; } function getElementPos(elementId, elem) { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isOpera = (ua.indexOf('opera') != -1); var isIE = (ua.indexOf('msie') != -1 && !isOpera); // not opera spoof var el = document.getElementById(elementId); if (elem) el = elem; if (el.parentNode === null || == 'none') { return false; } var parent = null; var pos = []; var box; if (el.getBoundingClientRect) //IE { box = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var scrollTop = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop); var scrollLeft = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollLeft, document.body.scrollLeft); return { x: box.left + scrollLeft, y: + scrollTop }; } else if (document.getBoxObjectFor) // gecko { box = document.getBoxObjectFor(el); var borderLeft = ( ? 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len : 0; }, Operator: function (arg1, arg2, sign) {//sign:1 is subtraction, 2 is multiplication, 3 is division, others are addition var r1 = this.DecimalLength(arg1), r2 = this.DecimalLength(arg2); var n = Math.max(r1, r2); var m = Math.pow(10, n); switch (sign) { case "*": case 2: n = r1 + r2, rv = ((arg1 * Math.pow(10, r1)) * (arg2 * Math.pow(10, r2))) / Math.pow(10, n); break; case "/": case 3: if (n < 3) n = 3; rv = (arg1 * m) / (arg2 * m); break; case "%": case 4: rv = ((arg1 * m) % (arg2 * m)) / m; break; case "-": case 1: rv = (arg1 * m - arg2 * m) / m; break; default: rv = (arg1 * m + arg2 * m) / m; break;//"+" } return parseFloat(rv.toFixed(n)); } } var oTool = { USJson: { 0.22: -450, 0.28: -350, 0.33: -300, 0.36: -275, 0.38: -267, 0.44: -225, 0.47: -212.5, 0.53: -187.5, 0.57: -175, 0.62: -162.5, 0.63: -160, 0.66: -150, 0.72: -137.5, 0.83: -120, 0.88: -114, 0.91: -110, 0.95: -105 }, fractionJson: { 0.22: "2/9", 0.28: "2/7", 0.33: "1/3", 0.36: "4/11", 0.38: "3/8", 0.44: "4/9", 0.47: "40/85", 0.53: "8/15", 0.57: "4/7", 0.62: "8/13", 0.63: "5/8", 0.66: "4/6", 0.72: "8/11", 0.83: "5/6", 0.88: "7/8", 0.91: "10/11", 0.95: "20/21" }, getPL: function (ot, hVal, pVal, gVal, isEu) { if (isEu && ot != 3 && ot != '3' && ot != 6 && ot != '6') return [this.toFixZero(hVal), this.toFixZero(pVal), this.toFixZero(gVal)]; switch (ot) { case 1: case '1'://HK return [hVal, pVal, gVal]; break; case 2: case '2'://Ind if (isEu) return [hVal, pVal, gVal]; return [this.toIN(hVal), pVal, this.toIN(gVal)]; break; case 3: case '3'://US if (isEu) return [this.toUSEu(hVal), this.toUSEu(pVal), this.toUSEu(gVal)]; return [this.toUS(hVal), pVal, this.toUS(gVal)]; break; case 4: case '4'://Europe return [this.toEU(hVal), pVal, this.toEU(gVal)]; break; case 5: case '5'://ML if (isEu) return [hVal, pVal, gVal]; return [this.toML(hVal), pVal, this.toML(gVal)]; break; case 6: case '6'://Fraciton if (isEu) return [this.toFractionEu(hVal), this.toFractionEu(pVal), this.toFractionEu(gVal)]; return [this.toFraction(hVal), pVal, this.toFraction(gVal)]; break; } }, changePL: function (ot, val, isEu) { if (!parseFloat(val)) return val; if (isEu && ot != 3 && ot != '3' && ot != 6 && ot != '6') return this.toFixZero(val); switch (ot) { case 1: case '1'://HK return this.toFixZero(val); break; case 2: case '2'://Ind return this.toIN(val); break; case 3: case '3'://US if (isEu) return this.toUSEu(val); return this.toUS(val); break; case 4: case '4'://Europe return this.toEU(val); break; case 5: case '5'://ML return this.toML(val); break; case 6: case '6'://Fraciton if (isEu) return this.toFractionEu(val); return this.toFraction(val); break; } }, toIN: function (val) { if (!val) return ""; var fVal = parseFloat(val); var p = this.countDecimal(fVal) > 2 ? 3 : 2; return (fVal < 1) ? (0 - 1 / fVal).toFixed(p) : this.toFixZero(val); }, toML: function (val) { if (!val) return ""; var fVal = parseFloat(val); var p = this.countDecimal(fVal) > 2 ? 3 : 2; return (fVal > 1) ? (0 - 1 / fVal).toFixed(p) : this.toFixZero(val); }, toEU: function (val) { if (!val) return ""; var fVal = parseFloat(val); var p = this.countDecimal(fVal) > 2 ? 3 : 2; return (fVal + 1).toFixed(p); }, toUS: function (val) { if (!val) return ""; var fVal = parseFloat(val); var p = this.countDecimal(fVal) > 2 ? 3 : 2; var oJson = oTool.USJson; if (fVal in oJson) return oJson[fVal]; var res = 0; if (fVal <= 0) res = 0; else if (fVal < 1) res = Math.round(0 - 100 * ((1 / fVal).toFixed(p))); else res = Math.round(100 * fVal); return res > 0 ? "+" + res : res; }, toUSEu: function (val) { if (!val) return ""; var fVal = parseFloat(val); var p = this.countDecimal(fVal) > 2 ? 3 : 2; if (!fVal || isNaN(fVal)) return ""; fVal = FloatHelper.Operator(fVal, 1, "-"); var oJson = oTool.USJson; if (fVal in oJson) return oJson[fVal]; if (fVal == 0) return "0"; var res = 0; if (fVal < 1) res = Math.round(0 - 100 * ((1 / fVal).toFixed(p))); else res = Math.round(100 * fVal); return res > 0 ? "+" + res : res; }, toFraction: function (val) {//Fractional conversion var fVal = parseFloat(val); if (fVal.toString() == "NaN") return ""; var f = fVal < 0; if (f) fVal = Math.abs(fVal); var fra = { n: 0, m: 1 };//n/m var num = 0; if (fVal > 1) fVal = FloatHelper.Operator(fVal, num = fVal | 0, "-"); var oJson = oTool.fractionJson; if (fVal in oJson) { var arr = oJson[fVal].split("/"); fra.n = parseInt(arr[0]); fra.m = parseInt(arr[1]); } else if (fVal > 0) { var GCD = function (a, b) { return b == 0 ? a : GCD(b, a % b); }//Greatest Common Divisor var m = Math.pow(10, FloatHelper.DecimalLength(fVal)); var n = parseInt(fVal * m); var d = GCD(m, n); fra.n = n / d; fra.m = m / d; } return (f ? "-" : "") + (num * fra.m + fra.n) + "/" + fra.m; }, toFractionEu: function (val) {//Fractional conversion var fVal = parseFloat(val); if (fVal.toString() == "NaN") return ""; fVal = FloatHelper.Operator(fVal, 1, "-"); var f = fVal < 0; if (f) fVal = Math.abs(fVal); var fra = { n: 0, m: 1 };//n/m var num = 0; if (fVal > 1) fVal = FloatHelper.Operator(fVal, num = fVal | 0, "-"); var oJson = oTool.fractionJson; if (fVal in oJson) { var arr = oJson[fVal].split("/"); fra.n = parseInt(arr[0]); fra.m = parseInt(arr[1]); } else if (fVal > 0) { var GCD = function (a, b) { return b == 0 ? a : GCD(b, a % b); }//Greatest Common Divisor var m = Math.pow(10, FloatHelper.DecimalLength(fVal)); var n = parseInt(fVal * m); var d = GCD(m, n); fra.n = n / d; fra.m = m / d; } return (f ? "-" : "") + (num * fra.m + fra.n) + "/" + fra.m; }, toFixZero: function (val, num) { if (!num) { num = this.countDecimal(val) > 2 ? 3 : 2; } var fVal = parseFloat(val); if (fVal.toString() == "NaN") return val; return fVal.toFixed(num) }, countDecimal: function (num) { var match = ('' + num).match(/\.(\d+)$/); if (match === null) { return 0; } return match[1].length; } }; var _handicapTypeArray = ["/-", "+/-", "/*", "让/受让"]; var _handicapType = 1; var _handicapAccept = "-"; var _handicapGive = ""; var _ouTrimEndZero = true; var GoalCn = ["0", "0/{0}0.5", "{0}0.5", "{0}0.5/1", "{0}1", "{0}1/1.5", "{0}1.5", "{0}1.5/2", "{0}2", "{0}2/2.5", "{0}2.5", "{0}2.5/3", "{0}3", "{0}3/3.5", "{0}3.5", "{0}3.5/4", "{0}4", "{0}4/4.5", "{0}4.5", "{0}4.5/5", "{0}5", "{0}5/5.5", "{0}5.5", "{0}5.5/6", "{0}6", "{0}6/6.5", "{0}6.5", "{0}6.5/7", "{0}7", "{0}7/7.5", "{0}7.5", "{0}7.5/8", "{0}8", "{0}8/8.5", "{0}8.5", "{0}8.5/9", "{0}9", "{0}9/9.5", "{0}9.5", "{0}9.5/10", "{0}10", "{0}10/10.5", "{0}10.5", "{0}10.5/11", "{0}11", "{0}11/11.5", "{0}11.5", "{0}11.5/12", "{0}12", "{0}12/12.5", "{0}12.5", "{0}12.5/13", "{0}13", "{0}13/13.5", "{0}13.5", "{0}13.5/14", "{0}14"]; var GoalCnOU = ["0", "0/0.5", "0.5", "0.5/1", "1", "1/1.5", "1.5", "1.5/2", "2", "2/2.5", "2.5", "2.5/3", "3", "3/3.5", "3.5", "3.5/4", "4", "4/4.5", "4.5", "4.5/5", "5", "5/5.5", "5.5", "5.5/6", "6", "6/6.5", "6.5", "6.5/7", "7", "7/7.5", "7.5", "7.5/8", "8", "8/8.5", "8.5", "8.5/9", "9", "9/9.5", "9.5", "9.5/10", "10", "10/10.5", "10.5", "10.5/11", "11", "11/11.5", "11.5", "11.5/12", "12", "12/12.5", "12.5", "12.5/13", "13", "13/13.5", "13.5", "13.5/14", "14"]; function GetHandicapType() { var detault = 1; var handicapType = getCookie("Handicap_Type"); if (handicapType) detault = parseInt(handicapType); return detault; } function initHandicap() { _handicapType = GetHandicapType(); if (_handicapType <= _handicapTypeArray.length) { _handicapGive = _handicapTypeArray[_handicapType - 1].split('/')[0]; _handicapAccept = _handicapTypeArray[_handicapType - 1].split('/')[1]; } } initHandicap(); function Goal2GoalCn(goal) { //handicap conversion if ((!goal && goal != "0") || isNaN(goal)) return ""; else { if (goal > 14) return _handicapGive + Math.abs(goal); if (goal < -14) return _handicapAccept + Math.abs(goal); var i = Math.abs(parseInt(goal * 4)); if (goal >= 0) return GoalCn[i].replace("{0}", _handicapGive); else return GoalCn[i].replace("{0}", _handicapAccept); } } function Goal2GoalCn2(goal) { return Goal2GoalCn(goal); } function Goal2CnOU(goal) { //ou conversion if ((!goal && goal != "0") || isNaN(goal)) return ""; else { if (goal > 14 || goal < -14) return _ouTrimEndZero ? parseFloat(goal).toString() : goal; var newGoal = GoalCnOU[Math.abs(parseInt(goal * 4))]; /*if (_ouTrimEndZero) return parseFloat(newGoal).toString();*/ return newGoal } } function Goal2Num(goal) { if (typeof (goal) == "undefined") return ""; if (!isNaN(goal) || goal.indexOf("/") == -1) return parseFloat(goal); var isMinus = false; if (goal.indexOf("-") > -1) isMinus = true; goal = goal.replace("+", "").replace("-", ""); var nums = goal.split('/'); goal = (parseFloat(nums[0]) + parseFloat(nums[1])) / 2; return isMinus ? (0 - goal) : goal; } function insertAfter(newEl, targetEl) { var parentEl = targetEl.parentNode; if (parentEl.lastChild == targetEl) { parentEl.appendChild(newEl); } else { parentEl.insertBefore(newEl, targetEl.nextSibling); } } function IsMobile() { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("iphone") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("mobile") != -1) return true; else return false; } var _cnzzLoaded = false; var _cnzzUrls = new Array(); function showCountDefer(opt) { if (_cnzzLoaded) return; var allCnzz = document.getElementById("allCnzz"); allCnzz.removeChild(allCnzz.firstChild); for (var i = 0; i < _cnzzUrls.length; i++) { addScript(allCnzz, _cnzzUrls[i]); } _cnzzLoaded = true; } function addScript(container, url) { var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = url; container.appendChild(s, "script"); } function GetBasketState(state, type) { var rs; switch (state) { case -5: rs = _locModel.T.T_ST_Postp; break; case -4: rs = _locModel.T.T_ST_Cancel; break; case -3: rs = "" + _locModel.T.T_ST_Interrupt + ""; break; case -2: rs = "" + _locModel.T.T_ST_Pend + ""; break; case -1: rs = "" + _locModel.T.T_ST_Finish + ""; break; case 0: rs = " "; break; case 1: rs = _locModel.T.T_ST_Qtr1; break; case 2: rs = _locModel.T.T_ST_Qtr2; break; case 3: rs = type == 2 ? _locModel.T.T_ST_Qtr2 : _locModel.T.T_ST_Qtr3; break; case 4: rs = _locModel.T.T_ST_Qtr4; break; case 5: rs = _locModel.T.T_ST_Ot; break; case 6: rs = _locModel.T.T_ST_Ot; break; case 7: rs = _locModel.T.T_ST_Ot; break; case 50: rs = _locModel.T.T_ST_Halftime; break; } return rs; } function OpenBkSclass(ID) { if (ID == null || ID == '' || ID == 0) return false; + "leagueinfo/" + ID); } //获取URL参数 function getQueryVariable(variable) { var query =; var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { var pair = vars[i].split("="); if (pair[0] == variable) { return pair[1]; } } return (false); } //不影响原来的onload情况下添加新的事件 function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function () { oldonload(); func(); } } } function NoDataHtml(type) { if (type == 2) { return "
" + _locModel.T.T_Tip_NoMatch + "
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" + _locModel.T.T_Tip_NoData + "
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s[1] : "1"; } else if (/android/i.test(ua)) { = ((s = ua.match(/(?:android) ([\d\.]+);/))) ? s[1] : "1"; var rdic = [ this.kv('huawei', /(huawei|honorbln)/i), this.kv('oppo', /oppo/i), this.kv('vivo', /vivo/i), this.kv("xiaomi", /(miui|xiaomi)/i), this.kv("meizu", /;[\s]+mz-/i), this.kv("original", /android/), ]; for (var i = 0; i < rdic.length; i++) { rkv = rdic[i]; if ((s = ua.match(rkv.value))) {[rkv.key] = 1; break; } } } else this.pc = "pc"; } //获取ajax对象 BomHelper.prototype.ajaxObj = function () { var xmlHttp = null; if ( != "") { if (typeof ActiveXObject != "undefined") { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (ex1) { try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (ex2) { try { xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (ex3) { alert("创建ajax对象失败,本网站只支持ie6以上版本浏览器,请刷新页面重试"); } } } } } else { try { xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (ex3) { alert("创建ajax对象失败,请刷新页面重试"); } } return xmlHttp; } //发送ajax的GET请求 BomHelper.prototype.ajaxGet = function (sUrl, fnAjax, isdefer) { if (isdefer == undefined) isdefer = true; var xmlHttp = this.ajaxObj(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4) fnAjax(xmlHttp.responseText); } if (sUrl.indexOf("?") == -1) sUrl = sUrl + "?flesh=" + Math.random(); else sUrl = sUrl + "&flesh=" + Math.random();"GET", sUrl, isdefer); xmlHttp.send(null); } //发送ajax的post请求 BomHelper.prototype.ajaxPost = function (sUrl, sPostData, fnAjax) { var xmlHttp = this.ajaxObj(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4) fnAjax(xmlHttp.responseText); } if (sPostData == "") sPostData = sPostData + "flesh=" + Math.random(); else sPostData = sPostData + "&flesh=" + Math.random();"POST", sUrl, true); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xmlHttp.send(sPostData); } //同步获取xml文件 BomHelper.prototype.ajaxXml = function (sUrl, sys, fnAjax) { var xmlHttp = this.ajaxObj(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4) fnAjax(xmlHttp.responseXML, xmlHttp.responseText); } if (sUrl.indexOf("?") == -1) sUrl = sUrl + "?flesh=" + Math.random(); else sUrl = sUrl + "&flesh=" + Math.random();"GET", sUrl, sys); xmlHttp.send(null); } //若是IE7以上版本,则要求它使用IE7 BomHelper.prototype.useIE7 = function () { document.write(""); } var bomHelper = new BomHelper(); bomHelper.checkBrowerType(); bomHelper.checkPlatform(); //bomHelper.timezoneHours = findCookie("zoneOffset") ? (parseInt(findCookie("zoneOffset"))) : -(new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60); String.prototype.Trim = function () { return this.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); } //登陆相关 var ssoAvataUrl = "/sso/ssologinpcjs/"; function GetAvatar(ssoHost) { addScript(document.head, ssoHost + ssoAvataUrl); } function LoginSuccess() { RefreshIcon(); } function RefreshIcon() { if (window.ssoContent) { if (document.getElementById('login_icon')) document.getElementById('login_icon').innerHTML = ssoContent; } } //替换单引号为中文单引号,防止部分带单引号数据引起js异常 function escapeChar(str) { //str = str.replace(/\'/g, "\\\'"); str = str.replace(/\'/g, "´"); return str; } function createXml(str) { if (document.all) { var xmlDom = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xmlDom.loadXML(str) return xmlDom } else return new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "text/xml") } function oddsCompare(oval, val) { oval = oval ? oval.toString() : ""; val = val ? val.toString() : ""; //return 1,0,-1 for float odds, string, or 0/0.5 var n_oval = parseFloat(oval), n_val = parseFloat(val); 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too far back",Z.mode=a;break e}if(y=0,E=h,0===c){if(y+=d-p,p2;)A[r++]=E[y++],A[r++]=E[y++],A[r++]=E[y++],v-=3;v&&(A[r++]=E[y++],v>1&&(A[r++]=E[y++]))}else{y=r-x;do{A[r++]=A[y++],A[r++]=A[y++],A[r++]=A[y++],v-=3}while(v>2);v&&(A[r++]=A[y++],v>1&&(A[r++]=A[y++]))}break}}break}}while(i>3,i-=v,w-=v<<3,u&=(1<{const u=h.bits;let w,b,m,k,_,g,p=0,v=0,x=0,y=0,E=0,R=0,A=0,Z=0,S=0,T=0,O=null;const U=new Uint16Array(16),D=new Uint16Array(16);let I,B,N,C=null;for(p=0;p<=o;p++)U[p]=0;for(v=0;v=1&&0===U[y];y--);if(E>y&&(E=y),0===y)return a[r++]=20971520,a[r++]=20971520,h.bits=1,0;for(x=1;x0&&(0===e||1!==y))return-1;for(D[1]=0,p=1;p852||2===e&&S>592)return 1;for(;;){I=p-A,c[v]+1=g?(B=C[c[v]-g],N=O[c[v]-g]):(B=96,N=0),w=1<>A)+b]=I<<24|B<<16|N|0}while(0!==b);for(w=1<>=1;if(0!==w?(T&=w-1,T+=w):T=0,v++,0==--U[p]){if(p===y)break;p=t[i+c[v]]}if(p>E&&(T&k)!==m){for(0===A&&(A=E),_+=x,R=p-A,Z=1<852||2===e&&S>592)return 1;m=T&k,a[m]=E<<24|R<<16|_-r|0}}return 0!==T&&(a[_+T]=p-A<<24|64<<16|0),h.bits=E,0},h={Z_NO_FLUSH:0,Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH:1,Z_SYNC_FLUSH:2,Z_FULL_FLUSH:3,Z_FINISH:4,Z_BLOCK:5,Z_TREES:6,Z_OK:0,Z_STREAM_END:1,Z_NEED_DICT:2,Z_ERRNO:-1,Z_STREAM_ERROR:-2,Z_DATA_ERROR:-3,Z_MEM_ERROR:-4,Z_BUF_ERROR:-5,Z_NO_COMPRESSION:0,Z_BEST_SPEED:1,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION:9,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION:-1,Z_FILTERED:1,Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY:2,Z_RLE:3,Z_FIXED:4,Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY:0,Z_BINARY:0,Z_TEXT:1,Z_UNKNOWN:2,Z_DEFLATED:8};const{Z_FINISH:u,Z_BLOCK:w,Z_TREES:b,Z_OK:m,Z_STREAM_END:k,Z_NEED_DICT:_,Z_STREAM_ERROR:g,Z_DATA_ERROR:p,Z_MEM_ERROR:v,Z_BUF_ERROR:x,Z_DEFLATED:y}=h,E=16180,R=16190,A=16191,Z=16192,S=16194,T=16199,O=16200,U=16206,D=16209,I=e=>(e>>>24&255)+(e>>>8&65280)+((65280&e)<<8)+((255&e)<<24);function 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a,o,s,l,d,f,h,B,C,z,F,L,M,H,j,Y,G,X,W,q,J,Q,V=0;const $=new Uint8Array(4);let ee,te;const ie=new Uint8Array([16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15]);if(N(e)||!e.output||!e.input&&0!==e.avail_in)return g;a=e.state,a.mode===A&&(a.mode=Z),d=e.next_out,s=e.output,h=e.avail_out,l=e.next_in,o=e.input,f=e.avail_in,B=a.hold,C=a.bits,z=f,F=h,Q=m;e:for(;;)switch(a.mode){case E:if(0===a.wrap){a.mode=Z;break}for(;C<16;){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>>8&255,a.check=n(a.check,$,2,0),B=0,C=0,a.mode=16181;break}if(a.head&&(a.head.done=!1),!(1&a.wrap)||(((255&B)<<8)+(B>>8))%31){e.msg="incorrect header check",a.mode=D;break}if((15&B)!==y){e.msg="unknown compression method",a.mode=D;break}if(B>>>=4,C-=4,J=8+(15&B),0===a.wbits&&(a.wbits=J),J>15||J>a.wbits){e.msg="invalid window size",a.mode=D;break}a.dmax=1<>8&1),512&a.flags&&4&a.wrap&&($[0]=255&B,$[1]=B>>>8&255,a.check=n(a.check,$,2,0)),B=0,C=0,a.mode=16182;case 16182:for(;C<32;){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>>8&255,$[2]=B>>>16&255,$[3]=B>>>24&255,a.check=n(a.check,$,4,0)),B=0,C=0,a.mode=16183;case 16183:for(;C<16;){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>8),512&a.flags&&4&a.wrap&&($[0]=255&B,$[1]=B>>>8&255,a.check=n(a.check,$,2,0)),B=0,C=0,a.mode=16184;case 16184:if(1024&a.flags){for(;C<16;){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>>8&255,a.check=n(a.check,$,2,0)),B=0,C=0}else a.head&&(a.head.extra=null);a.mode=16185;case 16185:if(1024&a.flags&&(L=a.length,L>f&&(L=f),L&&(a.head&&(J=a.head.extra_len-a.length,a.head.extra||(a.head.extra=new Uint8Array(a.head.extra_len)),a.head.extra.set(o.subarray(l,l+L),J)),512&a.flags&&4&a.wrap&&(a.check=n(a.check,o,L,l)),f-=L,l+=L,a.length-=L),a.length))break e;a.length=0,a.mode=16186;case 16186:if(2048&a.flags){if(0===f)break e;L=0;do{J=o[l+L++],a.head&&J&&a.length<65536&&(}while(J&&L>9&1,a.head.done=!0),e.adler=a.check=0,a.mode=A;break;case 16189:for(;C<32;){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>>=7&C,C-=7&C,a.mode=U;break}for(;C<3;){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>>=1,C-=1,3&B){case 0:a.mode=16193;break;case 1:if(K(a),a.mode=T,i===b){B>>>=2,C-=2;break e}break;case 2:a.mode=16196;break;case 3:e.msg="invalid block type",a.mode=D}B>>>=2,C-=2;break;case 16193:for(B>>>=7&C,C-=7&C;C<32;){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>>16^65535)){e.msg="invalid stored block lengths",a.mode=D;break}if(a.length=65535&B,B=0,C=0,a.mode=S,i===b)break e;case S:a.mode=16195;case 16195:if(L=a.length,L){if(L>f&&(L=f),L>h&&(L=h),0===L)break e;s.set(o.subarray(l,l+L),d),f-=L,l+=L,h-=L,d+=L,a.length-=L;break}a.mode=A;break;case 16196:for(;C<14;){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>>=5,C-=5,a.ndist=1+(31&B),B>>>=5,C-=5,a.ncode=4+(15&B),B>>>=4,C-=4,a.nlen>286||a.ndist>30){e.msg="too many length or distance symbols",a.mode=D;break}a.have=0,a.mode=16197;case 16197:for(;a.have>>=3,C-=3}for(;a.have<19;)a.lens[ie[a.have++]]=0;if(a.lencode=a.lendyn,a.lenbits=7,ee={bits:a.lenbits},Q=c(0,a.lens,0,19,a.lencode,0,,ee),a.lenbits=ee.bits,Q){e.msg="invalid code lengths set",a.mode=D;break}a.have=0,a.mode=16198;case 16198:for(;a.have>>24,Y=V>>>16&255,G=65535&V,!(j<=C);){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>>=j,C-=j,a.lens[a.have++]=G;else{if(16===G){for(te=j+2;C>>=j,C-=j,0===a.have){e.msg="invalid bit length repeat",a.mode=D;break}J=a.lens[a.have-1],L=3+(3&B),B>>>=2,C-=2}else if(17===G){for(te=j+3;C>>=j,C-=j,J=0,L=3+(7&B),B>>>=3,C-=3}else{for(te=j+7;C>>=j,C-=j,J=0,L=11+(127&B),B>>>=7,C-=7}if(a.have+L>a.nlen+a.ndist){e.msg="invalid bit length repeat",a.mode=D;break}for(;L--;)a.lens[a.have++]=J}}if(a.mode===D)break;if(0===a.lens[256]){e.msg="invalid code -- missing end-of-block",a.mode=D;break}if(a.lenbits=9,ee={bits:a.lenbits},Q=c(1,a.lens,0,a.nlen,a.lencode,0,,ee),a.lenbits=ee.bits,Q){e.msg="invalid literal/lengths set",a.mode=D;break}if(a.distbits=6,a.distcode=a.distdyn,ee={bits:a.distbits},Q=c(2,a.lens,a.nlen,a.ndist,a.distcode,0,,ee),a.distbits=ee.bits,Q){e.msg="invalid distances set",a.mode=D;break}if(a.mode=T,i===b)break e;case T:a.mode=O;case O:if(f>=6&&h>=258){e.next_out=d,e.avail_out=h,e.next_in=l,e.avail_in=f,a.hold=B,a.bits=C,r(e,F),d=e.next_out,s=e.output,h=e.avail_out,l=e.next_in,o=e.input,f=e.avail_in,B=a.hold,C=a.bits,a.mode===A&&(a.back=-1);break}for(a.back=0;V=a.lencode[B&(1<>>24,Y=V>>>16&255,G=65535&V,!(j<=C);){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>X)],j=V>>>24,Y=V>>>16&255,G=65535&V,!(X+j<=C);){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>>=X,C-=X,a.back+=X}if(B>>>=j,C-=j,a.back+=j,a.length=G,0===Y){a.mode=16205;break}if(32&Y){a.back=-1,a.mode=A;break}if(64&Y){e.msg="invalid literal/length code",a.mode=D;break}a.extra=15&Y,a.mode=16201;case 16201:if(a.extra){for(te=a.extra;C>>=a.extra,C-=a.extra,a.back+=a.extra}a.was=a.length,a.mode=16202;case 16202:for(;V=a.distcode[B&(1<>>24,Y=V>>>16&255,G=65535&V,!(j<=C);){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>X)],j=V>>>24,Y=V>>>16&255,G=65535&V,!(X+j<=C);){if(0===f)break e;f--,B+=o[l++]<>>=X,C-=X,a.back+=X}if(B>>>=j,C-=j,a.back+=j,64&Y){e.msg="invalid distance code",a.mode=D;break}a.offset=G,a.extra=15&Y,a.mode=16203;case 16203:if(a.extra){for(te=a.extra;C>>=a.extra,C-=a.extra,a.back+=a.extra}if(a.offset>a.dmax){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",a.mode=D;break}a.mode=16204;case 16204:if(0===h)break e;if(L=F-h,a.offset>L){if(L=a.offset-L,L>a.whave&&a.sane){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",a.mode=D;break}L>a.wnext?(L-=a.wnext,M=a.wsize-L):M=a.wnext-L,L>a.length&&(L=a.length),H=a.window}else H=s,M=d-a.offset,L=a.length;L>h&&(L=h),h-=L,a.length-=L;do{s[d++]=H[M++]}while(--L);0===a.length&&(a.mode=O);break;case 16205:if(0===h)break e;s[d++]=a.length,h--,a.mode=O;break;case U:if(a.wrap){for(;C<32;){if(0===f)break e;f--,B|=o[l++]<{if(N(e))return g;let t=e.state;return t.window&&(t.window=null),e.state=null,m},inflateGetHeader:(e,t)=>{if(N(e))return g;const i=e.state;return 0==(2&i.wrap)?g:(i.head=t,t.done=!1,m)},inflateSetDictionary:(e,i)=>{const n=i.length;let a,r,o;return N(e)?g:(a=e.state,0!==a.wrap&&a.mode!==R?g:a.mode===R&&(r=1,r=t(r,i,n,0),r!==a.check)?p:(o=P(e,i,n,n),o?(a.mode=16210,v):(a.havedict=1,m)))},inflateInfo:"pako inflate (from Nodeca project)"};const G=(e,t)=>,t);var X=function(e){const,1);for(;t.length;){const i=t.shift();if(i){if("object"!=typeof i)throw new TypeError(i+"must be non-object");for(const t in i)G(i,t)&&(e[t]=i[t])}}return e},W=e=>{let t=0;for(let i=0,n=e.length;i=252?6:e>=248?5:e>=240?4:e>=224?3:e>=192?2:1;J[254]=J[254]=1;var Q=e=>{if("function"==typeof TextEncoder&&TextEncoder.prototype.encode)return(new TextEncoder).encode(e);let t,i,n,a,r,o=e.length,s=0;for(a=0;a>>6,t[r++]=128|63&i):i<65536?(t[r++]=224|i>>>12,t[r++]=128|i>>>6&63,t[r++]=128|63&i):(t[r++]=240|i>>>18,t[r++]=128|i>>>12&63,t[r++]=128|i>>>6&63,t[r++]=128|63&i);return t},V=(e,t)=>{const i=t||e.length;if("function"==typeof TextDecoder&&TextDecoder.prototype.decode)return(new TextDecoder).decode(e.subarray(0,t));let n,a;const r=new Array(2*i);for(a=0,n=0;n4)r[a++]=65533,n+=o-1;else{for(t&=2===o?31:3===o?15:7;o>1&&n1?r[a++]=65533:t<65536?r[a++]=t:(t-=65536,r[a++]=55296|t>>10&1023,r[a++]=56320|1023&t)}}return((e,t)=>{if(t<65534&&e.subarray&&q)return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,e.length===t?e:e.subarray(0,t));let i="";for(let n=0;n{(t=t||e.length)>e.length&&(t=e.length);let i=t-1;for(;i>=0&&128==(192&e[i]);)i--;return i<0||0===i?t:i+J[e[i]]>t?i:t},ee={2:"need dictionary",1:"stream end",0:"","-1":"file error","-2":"stream error","-3":"data error","-4":"insufficient memory","-5":"buffer error","-6":"incompatible version"};var te=function(){this.input=null,this.next_in=0,this.avail_in=0,this.total_in=0,this.output=null,this.next_out=0,this.avail_out=0,this.total_out=0,this.msg="",this.state=null,this.data_type=2,this.adler=0};var ie=function(){this.text=0,this.time=0,this.xflags=0,this.os=0,this.extra=null,this.extra_len=0,"",this.comment="",this.hcrc=0,this.done=!1};const ne=Object.prototype.toString,{Z_NO_FLUSH:ae,Z_FINISH:re,Z_OK:oe,Z_STREAM_END:se,Z_NEED_DICT:le,Z_STREAM_ERROR:de,Z_DATA_ERROR:fe,Z_MEM_ERROR:ce}=h;function he(e){this.options=X({chunkSize:65536,windowBits:15,to:""},e||{});const t=this.options;t.raw&&t.windowBits>=0&&t.windowBits<16&&(t.windowBits=-t.windowBits,0===t.windowBits&&(t.windowBits=-15)),!(t.windowBits>=0&&t.windowBits<16)||e&&e.windowBits||(t.windowBits+=32),t.windowBits>15&&t.windowBits<48&&0==(15&t.windowBits)&&(t.windowBits|=15),this.err=0,this.msg="",this.ended=!1,this.chunks=[],this.strm=new te,this.strm.avail_out=0;let i=Y.inflateInit2(this.strm,t.windowBits);if(i!==oe)throw new Error(ee[i]);if(this.header=new ie,Y.inflateGetHeader(this.strm,this.header),t.dictionary&&("string"==typeof t.dictionary?t.dictionary=Q(t.dictionary):"[object ArrayBuffer]" Uint8Array(t.dictionary)),t.raw&&(i=Y.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm,t.dictionary),i!==oe)))throw new Error(ee[i])}function ue(e,t){const i=new he(t);if(i.push(e),i.err)throw i.msg||ee[i.err];return i.result}he.prototype.push=function(e,t){const i=this.strm,n=this.options.chunkSize,a=this.options.dictionary;let r,o,s;if(this.ended)return!1;for(o=t===~~t?t:!0===t?re:ae,"[object ArrayBuffer]" Uint8Array(e):i.input=e,i.next_in=0,i.avail_in=i.input.length;;){for(0===i.avail_out&&(i.output=new Uint8Array(n),i.next_out=0,i.avail_out=n),r=Y.inflate(i,o),r===le&&a&&(r=Y.inflateSetDictionary(i,a),r===oe?r=Y.inflate(i,o):r===fe&&(r=le));i.avail_in>0&&r===se&&i.state.wrap>0&&0!==e[i.next_in];)Y.inflateReset(i),r=Y.inflate(i,o);switch(r){case de:case fe:case le:case ce:return this.onEnd(r),this.ended=!0,!1}if(s=i.avail_out,i.next_out&&(0===i.avail_out||r===se))if("string"{let e=$(i.output,i.next_out),t=i.next_out-e,a=V(i.output,e);i.next_out=t,i.avail_out=n-t,t&&i.output.set(i.output.subarray(e,e+t),0),this.onData(a)}else this.onData(i.output.length===i.next_out?i.output:i.output.subarray(0,i.next_out));if(r!==oe||0!==s){if(r===se)return r=Y.inflateEnd(this.strm),this.onEnd(r),this.ended=!0,!0;if(0===i.avail_in)break}}return!0},he.prototype.onData=function(e){this.chunks.push(e)},he.prototype.onEnd=function(e){e===oe&&("string"""):this.result=W(this.chunks)),this.chunks=[],this.err=e,this.msg=this.strm.msg};var we=he,be=ue,me=function(e,t){return(t=t||{}).raw=!0,ue(e,t)},ke=ue,_e=h,ge={Inflate:we,inflate:be,inflateRaw:me,ungzip:ke,constants:_e};e.Inflate=we,e.constants=_e,e.default=ge,e.inflate=be,e.inflateRaw=me,e.ungzip=ke,Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})})); ; var wsUtil = { //wsUrl: `ws://${_wsUrl}/stream?channels={0}`, //测试 wsUrl: `wss://${_wsUrl}/stream?channels={0}&&token={1}`, token: "", socket: null, wsIntervalId: null, wstimeout: 5000, wstimer: null, tokenCacheKey : "WebSocketToken", channels: null, wsHandler: function () { }, //收到通知及数据后回调处理 startHandler: function () { }, //ws异常,启用轮询 stopHandler: function () { }, //ws恢复,停止轮询 getToken: function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var cacheToken = ''; if (Storage.enableLocal) { cacheToken = Storage.getLocalWithExpire(wsUtil.tokenCacheKey); } if (cacheToken != null && cacheToken != "") { resolve(cacheToken); } else { $.get("/ajax/getwebsockettoken?rnum=" + Math.random(), function (result) { if (result) { if (Storage.enableLocal) { Storage.setLocalWithExpire(wsUtil.tokenCacheKey, result, 1); } resolve(result) } else { reject("getTokn fail!") } }) } }) }, connectWs: function (channels, wsHandler, startHandler, stopHandler) { if (channels) this.channels = channels; if (wsHandler) this.wsHandler = wsHandler; if (startHandler) this.startHandler = startHandler; if (stopHandler) this.stopHandler = stopHandler; if (this.token == "") { this.getToken().then(data => { //console.log("获取token") this.token = data; this.createWs() }) } else { this.createWs() } }, createWs: function () { var self = this; if (this.socket == null || this.socket.readyState != WebSocket.OPEN || this.socket.readyState != WebSocket.CONNECTING) { var url = this.wsUrl.replace("{0}", encodeURIComponent(this.channels.join(','))).replace("{1}", this.token); this.socket = new WebSocket(url); this.wstimer = setTimeout(() => { self.socket.close(); console.log("ws timeout"); }, this.wstimeout) this.socket.onmessage = function (event) { var data =; if (data == "ok") return; let reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(data, "utf-8"); reader.onload = function () { var json = JSON.parse(pako.inflate(reader.result, { to: "string" })); if (json != undefined) { self.wsHandler(json) } } } this.socket.onopen = function (event) { if (self.wstimer) clearTimeout(self.wstimer) console.log("ws open"); self.updateState(); } this.socket.onclose = function (event) { if (self.wstimer) clearTimeout(self.wstimer) console.log("ws close"); self.token = ""; //token失效 self.updateState(); } this.socket.onerror = function (event) { if (self.wstimer) clearTimeout(self.wstimer) console.log("ws error"); } } }, updateState: function () { var self = this; function disable() { self.startHandler(); if (!self.wsIntervalId) { self.wsIntervalId = setInterval(() => { self.connectWs() }, 30 * 1000) //写成箭头函数,否则this指向不明确 } } function enable() { self.stopHandler(); if (self.wsIntervalId) { clearInterval(self.wsIntervalId); self.wsIntervalId = null; } } if (!this.socket) { disable(); } else { switch (this.socket.readyState) { case WebSocket.CLOSED: disable(); //console.log("WebSocket已关闭"); break; case WebSocket.CLOSING: disable(); //console.log("WS关闭中..."); break; case WebSocket.CONNECTING: disable(); //console.log("WebSocket连接中..."); break; case WebSocket.OPEN: enable(); //console.log("WebSocket已打开"); break; default: disable(); //console.log("未知 WebSocket 状态: ",socket.readyState); break; } } }, changeChannel: function (channels) { //切换订阅的频道 this.channels = channels; if (!this.socket || this.socket.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { console.log("socket not connected"); return } var data = { type: 0, channels: channels } //发送给服务端的数据格式:{"type":0,"channels":["zqlivechange","lqlivechange","change_xml","change2_xml","nba_xml"]} this.socket.send(JSON.stringify(data)); }, closeWs: function (data) { this.socket.close(); } };